Saturday, January 9, 2010

A new year calls for a new way of communicating...

Well hello there! I'm not sure who all will actually be reading this, but I figured since so much of what you already do is online, that this would be a sweet way for you to easily and quickly get updated and encouraged by the stories of what God is doing at Sam Houston State University. The people I have invited to follow this blog are what I would call "my supporters", and I hope you know how grateful I am for those of you who every month support me financially so that I can be here, as well as, for those of you who lift me up in your prayers. There is no way I could be here without you both!

Over the New Year, we took some of our students to a conference called SALT; it was incredible! God so sweetly, as He always does, met with our students and touched their lives. This year I had a really neat opportunity to teach one of the breakout sessions on conflict resolution and confrontation- funny topic, eh? Honestly, I didn't think many students would be interested in this topic, but each of the four sessions were full! It was such a beautiful time and after each of the sessions God allowed me to have significant conversations with a handful of students. Thank You Jesus!

I thought I would leave you with a few thoughts from one of the sessions that really spoke to my heart. The woman speaking posed the question to us, "where do you find your recognition, your reward and your refuge." As believers we have got to find our worth in the recognition we get from the Father, our reward IS the Father, and the Father is our refuge. I am praying that you will let the Lord search your heart, as He did mine, as we begin this new year. He is such a good God.

I love each of you so so so much! The gratitude I feel for you is truly overwhelming. I hope you enjoy the stories you read here, and I pray your Spirit will be encouraged to hear what our God is doing!

1 comment:

  1. Just a note to say...I love you...and it's so good to read your words and at the same time "hear" you saying them in my head.
